Review: Front Notebook

Front is a Chinese office supply manufacturer. It appears they do not have a Western distributor, which is too bad because their notebooks look awesome. Navigating their website is easier using Google Chrome, which automatically translates — unless you read Chinese, of course. It appears their webshop (hosted on Taoboa, a Chinese version of ebay) does not ship overseas. I found this notebook through ebay, and there are a few more copies left.

The cover is a faux-leather material, feels kind of waxy and vinyl-like. Similar to a softcover Moleskine. There’s no elastic band closure, but the cover stays shut without it.


The paper has a smooth touch, somewhat smoother than Moleskine paper. They don’t advertise the paper weight, so I’m unsure. I use a Micron Pen 01 and there was no show through. This notebook has colored/gilt-edging that matches the cover, which I particularly fancy.

On the top of the page, they have some organizational formatting, including date entry space and circular checkbox next to the day of the week. I won’t be using it, but it doesn’t bother me,  it’s easy to ignore, and doesn’t take up too much space. The last 18 pages are perforated at the side, and in half. The perforation lines are easy to see in the picture.

DSCN0236 DSCN0237

A5 Moleskine on the bottom for size reference.


  • Model: D66-A501
  • $14.99
  • Lined, 8mm
  • 308 pages
  • Last 18 pages are perforated (on the edge and in half)